The transition from high school to college can certainly be an exciting time for high school seniors, but it can also bring times of stress, confusion, and anxiety as one prepares to move away from home and set out on their new adventure towards independence. Auburn University and the First Year Experience Office has, for years, offered a first-class orientation program that will not only prepare incoming freshmen for four successful years, but has also designed a program for parents and guardians so that they know what to expect as their student embarks on this new journey.

Since 1995, Camp War Eagle (CWE) has been welcoming incoming freshmen to Auburn’s campus through small group interactions, skits, pep rallies, and more! Since the global pandemic started in March of 2020, CWE has had to make changes to the 10 regularly scheduled two-day summer sessions to accommodate all incoming students and family members while keeping their health as a top priority. This coming summer, CWE will host 14 one-day in-person sessions and 3 virtual sessions for those still uncomfortable with traveling and coming to campus.

During my time as a student at Auburn University, I had the opportunity to work as a Camp War Eagle Counselor and Head Counselor. It was honestly one of the most rewarding experiences of my time as a student and what led me to my career path in higher education. The connections I was able to make with the incoming students in my group led me to my desire of helping the transitioning student population on a full-time basis, and I have no doubt any student can have an incredible experience at CWE as they are prepared for the best four years of their lives.
With the many changes to CWE for this summer, there will be some steps that students need to take to be prepared for their CWE session. The pre-enrollment modules became available on May 3rd and include the following: Information about your college and major, basic information about Auburn University, and a series of assessments called “Connecting the Creed”. The first two sessions listed last approximately 45 minutes, and the final module will take about 90 minutes to complete.

Academic Advising is one of the most important aspects of Camp War Eagle! Incoming freshman will have the opportunity to meet with the college or school of their intended major and will be allowed to register for Fall 2021 courses on the date that coincides with the CWE Session attended. All of this and additional information can be found at
I encourage all students to come into CWE with an open mind and the willingness to meet new people! While the day can be overwhelming with the amount of information you receive, the Camp War Eagle staff has strategically designed all of the small group sessions with a purpose so that all students can be best prepared for anything they may face during their time as an Auburn student.

All of this to be said, Camp War Eagle is an incredible experience for all of those involved! I encourage all parents and guardians to be involved in this process as it is a big change for everyone in the family. CWE is the beginning of an incredible journey that the incoming freshmen are about to embark on and if I could go back to 2009, I would do it in a heartbeat. Students, savor every single moment you have in college because the time will fly by and before you know it, you’ll be interviewing for graduate school or your dream job!