By Jack Self
It’s hard to believe it’s August and we are getting ready for another incredible year at Auburn University! Move-in is happening all over campus and throughout the city of Auburn, and Sorority Recruitment has started and is keeping many of the incoming women at Auburn busy. The ever so random afternoon shower creeps in each day, and the smell of football season is on the horizon. A stroll across campus can seem quite the chore in the 100% humidity, but the sound of the Auburn University Marching Band puts a smile on one’s face knowing what is soon to come to Jordan-Hare stadium.
One of the most prominent events that takes place after move-in and through the first few weeks of classes is Welcome Week! Welcome Week marks the beginning of the 2021-2022 academic school year and is the University’s official welcome for all new and returning students to be back on campus this fall. Welcome Week, hosted from August 9-20, provides all students with a variety of ways to get involved, and make Auburn truly feel like a home away from home. Whether it be cornhole or Back to School BBQ on the Campus Green, first day of class photos on the Haley Concourse, or a free movie in the Auburn Arena, there are plenty of opportunities for free swag and best of all, free food! Welcome Week is great for freshmen because of the opportunity to get information about different academic, athletic, service, and religious organizations on campus. All of these groups can be found on AU Involve online. The Auburn Guides app is a must to find out information on everything happening in these jam-packed first two weeks at Auburn! Take the opportunity to put yourself out there, meet new friends, find groups that you want to be a part of and more!
The transition to being a student at Auburn University can certainly be an exciting and stressful time, but the memories that will be made cannot be matched! The freshman at Auburn are starting a new chapter of their lives here on the Plains and we are so excited to help them develop academically, socially, and personally. I encourage each student to meet someone new, go to class, try all the different places to eat on campus, especially The Edge – the newest dining facility, and really launch yourself into the best four years of your life!
War Eagle!

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