By Cassi Taylor, senior in Finance & Business Analytics

One word…Family. Knowing someone, whether it be professors or friends, will always have your back is what makes this school truly incredible. During campus tours when they say, “You’ll never meet a stranger at Auburn”, that is one hundred percent true. I have had professors reach out and offer me a quiet place to work when the air conditioning stops working or when the Wi-Fi goes out. I also have friends who celebrate the highs and help me through the lows. Coming to college, life can get a little lonely because you are essentially starting over, but you will never feel alone at Auburn. You are bound to meet new people and share college experiences with any of the other 25,000 students that go here. This is why Auburn has been special and will remain special to the surrounding community in the future years. Auburn also has plenty of options for fun activities and things to do. It could be sporting events on the weekends, late-night walks with your friends, and even movie nights on the green space. You’re bound to find something that fits your wants and needs. I personally love to take walks with friends to clear my head from schoolwork and also to get a little exercise in. When I need a snack break, I love to visit the “c-store” in the student center and grab either some sour candy or an ICEE from the machine. Another favorite is the treadmills in the library. Sometimes I get very bored when studying and find myself not being able to sit still, so I love to walk and study at the same time. These are just a few of the many reasons why I LOVE AUBURN!