If there is one thing that our office loves to do, it is to convince students that studying abroad can be for them! We’ve heard it all in terms of why a student might think that studying abroad isn’t for them, so we’re here to dispel a few common study abroad myths!

Myth No. 1 – I Can’t Afford to Study Abroad!
Sometimes, when students see program fees for study abroad programs for the first time, they are overwhelmed and feel like studying abroad is inaccessible for them. In reality, there are plenty of resources in and outside of Auburn that can minimize the cost of studying abroad. For many Auburn custom programs, students already receiving AU scholarships and financial aid can apply those resources to their study abroad programs. Additionally, scholarships such as the Gilman Scholarship are available to support Pell eligible students in studying abroad. (Students interested in applying for the Gillman can receive application resources from our office!) Finally, a quick web search can offer countless resources on third-party scholarships that can be applied to AU and Non-AU study abroad programs. Needless to say, finances do not have to be a barrier to studying abroad and getting an experience of a lifetime!
Myth No. 2 – I’ll Miss Out on Too Many Things While I’m Abroad!
Every year, over 1,000 Auburn University students participate in a study abroad program through the University or another provider. These experiences are once-in-a-lifetime, academically enriching, and make students stand out in future professional environments. Despite all of these benefits, it is completely normal to feel like you’re missing out on “regular college life” while you’re abroad. Just remember that you are gaining an amazing, cultural experience that those back home are not. Try to focus on living in the moment and participating in all the fantastic things that going abroad has to offer!

Myth No. 3 – I’ll be Going Alone and Won’t Know Anyone!
Much like transitioning to college for the first time, studying abroad alone can initially be an intimidating thought. This intimidation is only exacerbated when you do not know the other students in your program. In reality, studying abroad without people you know can be a great learning experience outside of your comfort zone! You and the other members of your program are typically in the same boat – this is your first time traveling without family or friends, and you’re not sure how you will connect with your classmates. What typically ends up happening amongst all the excitement of being in a different country is that you and your classmates will find common interests, go on excursions together, and generally just start connecting. Before you know it, you’ve formed relationships on a program that you would never have had without studying abroad!
Myth No. 4 – I’ll Struggle Because I Don’t Know the Native Language!
Not knowing the native language of the country you are traveling to doesn’t have to be a barrier to studying abroad. English is one of the most spoken languages in the world, being the official or unofficial language of many countries. In fact, most institutions have courses completely in English! Also, all Auburn custom programs are taught by Auburn professors in English. That said, it’s still useful to at least attempt to learn the language of the country that you study in. Oftentimes, locals will take your attempt to communicate in their language as a sign of respect and genuine interest, so they won’t mind that you may have botched a pronunciation or two! Worst comes to worst, traveling with a translator app on your phone can always come in handy, particularly when you’re in a rush and need to communicate with someone quickly.
Myth No. 5 – My Major Isn’t Offered Abroad!
All majors can be studied in a different country, it’s just a matter of finding a program that offers a curriculum for what you study! Some AU Programs are non-major specific, meaning that students in any discipline can participate and receive credit. If Auburn doesn’t offer a study abroad program for your major, you can look to a third party provider program that will have additional course offerings and credit that can be transferred back to Auburn. If you know you want to study abroad and have specific academic needs, doing outside research or meeting with a member of the Auburn Abroad staff can be a great first step to point you in the right direction.

These are just a few myths that many students believe about studying abroad. If you are even just the least bit curious about studying abroad we highly encourage you to attend Study Abroad 101 or to schedule an advising appointment with our office so that we can answer your questions and debunk any other myths you might believe!